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"Today, a coalition of over a dozen organizations...are joining to launch a “leaked” mockumentary about Net Neutrality to coincide with the opening arguments in Verizon v. F.C.C called “The Internet Must Go.”
"...brilliant and insightful..."
"Net neutrality is not exactly laugh riot, but one filmmaker is drawing attention to the issue by aiming for the funny bone.. "
"Hilarious 30-minute mockumentary... "
"Watch it. "
"...a major success... "
"...a fun piece that explains why those of us who care about network neutrality care. "
"...the most important thing you can do right now is share this film with everyone you know..."
"For anyone who wants to understand the core tenets of open Internet advocacy, this would be a good and easily consumable starting point."
"Net neutrality makes it possible for sites such as +Bubblews and its founders to make this great successful website we have today...This short film just might spread the word about the fight for net neutrality against those who are trying to change the internet as we know it."
"Check out this video on internet neutrality. It's very entertaining and informative."
"The 30 minute documentary is very eye opening on a lot of key points. It makes key points on why net neutrality is key. We cannot have a censored internet and let big companies crush the freedom of information."
"It's fun, and it's powerful. Take the 30mn to watch it!"
"This 30 minute video supersedes ANY 30 minute sitcom, cat picture sites, porn sites, etc. etc. etc. in terms of opening your mind to accessing freedom, but how many of you will watch this in its entirety as opposed to spending your time on the above mentioned sites? Do yourself a favor and educate yourself to big business monoliths stealing your rights and access; watch these 30 minutes."
--Mark Monroe via Facebook"I almost didn't watch this since it is a half hour long...but I'm glad I did!! You will be too... don't forget to "enable" your Irony/Sarcasm/spoof buttons...even though the threat is real!"
--Robert Hodge via Facebook"This is one of the most important videos of this generation."
--writtenwrath via YouTube"I honestly did not know about this issue. The actor I must say does a fabulous job getting the message to us."
--Laura Ann Thomas via Facebook"Very interesting video, and how sneaky!! Thank you for the heads up!"
--Dawn Ibleedblue Holman Smith via Facebook"I fucking love you dude. I don't know who you are but this is amazing."
--Will Tolley via YouTube""John Wooley" & his mission are a satire; however, this is one of the best net neutrality and free speech videos I have seen. Found it on Upworthy; totally shocked that the original isn't up to a million views yet. Only thing I can figure is that it's too long for most people, particularly those of us already familiar with the issue."
--CFinNaples via YouTube"loved it. Sent it to all my friends to see. Its a shocker. If corporations are considered "persons" then we do live in a abusive dictatorship. Thank you for presenting it this way."
--Tara Aarons via Facebook"This video could be called "mind opener"..."
--Andre Breda via YouTube"This is so awesome"
--Adrian Labastida via YouTube"Brilliant satire!"
--Mark Anderson via YouTube"4 dislikes so far - Time Warner, Verizon, Concast, AT&T..."
--monsta josh via YouTube"Nice satire. Maintain and increase the freedom, don't allow corporate dictatorship of the internet."
--CoderMonkey Nathan via YouTube"Does anyone else see this as a way for the mainstream media to throttle the bandwidth of independent media companies? It is nothing more than sensorship. This video may be satire, but it is obvious that something like this will be attempted by the money men as a way to reduce competition from the independents. If they get away with it, the internet will become the same corporate-controlled, biased bullshit as the TV networks, where information is distorted in favour of the highest bidder."
--RealiveProds via YouTube"I feel sick thinking about how greedy people are. great video. linked it to all my friends and invited them to your site."
--Karen Schaeffer via Facebook"SHARE IT YO!"
--BipolarCatharsis via YouTube"It's a great video! It tells me loud and clear that corporations are evil and are controlled by crooks and they are trying to squash our freedom of speech"
--Fastestshredder Tom via Facebook"i just loved everything about this vid. funny, mind-expanding, balanced and i even got a little bit teary at the end. thank you!! thank you."
--Caity Johnstone via Facebook"Thanks. This is important stuff. It helps that you're funny. We need to pay attention."
--Laura Wood via Facebook"so well done, very informative, and important for everyone who loves the internet to see this!"
--Brett Engle via Facebook"Good job! This really needs to not happen. There are so many people in the US right now who rely on the internet for work. Work that involves creating and sharing knowledge through little blogs or providing service to start ups that could one day bring billions in revenue. This would cause so many people to lose their jobs - not exactly something that would be healthy for the future of the economy."
--Melanie Feltham via Facebook"Everyone needs to share this video. On FB, email, family, friends all you can"
--probe26 via YouTube"I didn't have any imagination about what big corporations are going to do. Thank you John. I've learnt a lot. :)"
--KiarashF1 via YouTube"At first I thought this was too long to watch, but then it didn't seem too long."
--Austin Powers via YouTube"Excellent work. Fun and sharp."
--064Films via YouTube"Have friends who wonder why you care about #NetNeutrality? Have them watch "The Internet must go"
--@vanschewick via Twitter"The Internet Must Go" is now online. It's a hysterical short film" --@zaphoria via Twitter
"Want to know why today's #netneutrality oral argument matters? Watch "The Internet Must Go!""
--@haroldfeld via Twitter"MUST watch: Protect innovation, commerce & communication. @WooleyLeaks #OpenInternet"
--@angelamepstein via Twitter